Monday, January 19, 2009

A Great Joy is Coming...

These are the quiet moments before your baby is born

Bring to your maternity photography session those loved ones

husband, children....even pets
who can help u express the joy of your pregnancy

"Capture more than a portrait,
but the feeling about your spouse, your baby, your growing family,and about your life"

"See u in the hospital fianny...looking forward to see your little princess :P"


Fifi said...


Thnk U for taking our pictures.

Kamu capture the moment-nya tepat banget. Sabar pula ama si Darrent yang moood2an kalo difoto.

Oh ya, kamu juga bisa bikin bumil kaya aku ini lebih pede pas difoto ;)

Can't wait to see my baby & have her first portraits taken by you.

rikari story said...

the pleasure is mine MOM...

u are a gorgeous mom, love to shoot all member of ur family (i dont forgert about u molly wuff..wuuuff.. :P)

thank u ya :)